B.I.G. Enneagram Retreat

Body-based, Integrated with nature, Grounded in practice

The B.I.G. Enneagram Retreat interest list

This retreat is designed to help you reconnect with your physical self, nature, and your authentic inner being. The next retreat is going to be May 23-26, 2025 in Minneapolis, MN

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Retreat Information

The next retreat is currently being put together for May 23-26, 2025. This is an in-person retreat. The location will be in Minneapolis, MN, more details coming for those on the list. 

3-Day Retreat

Max capacity 30 people. First come, first serve so sign-up quickly because that is how we will deliver emails to those who are able to sign-up.

B.I.G. Enneagram

Retreat Facilitators

Chelsea Forbrook

I love holding space for individuals and groups to have those “aha moments,” and to connect more deeply with themselves, others, and Divine Love

Learn more here: 


Ben Campbell

Creator of Wild Enneagram who leads courses and coaching with the Nature-Based Practices, Soul Work and the Enneagram

Learn more here:


Milton C. Stewart

Host of Do It For The Gram: An Enneagram Podcast. Enneagram Facilitator and coach who uses practical wisdom to help people transform.

Learn more here: 



"Ben, Chelsea and Milton are new leaders in the Enneagram community. This retreat was fun with meaningful experiences and opportunities to learn. Do put B.I.G. Enneagram Retreat on your bucket list." 

 N. Markow

"I had been looking forward to the BIG Enneagram Retreat since I first registered, but I was not prepared for how much more powerful the reality would be. The body-centered practices and the nature immersion were just what I needed. I came away changed, and in the most optimistic way possible. Highly recommend!"

Chris Wojcik

"The BIG retreat was both intense and gentle, exhausting and refreshing. Tears were shed, and everyday we laughed. In an atmosphere of compassion and kindness (also good food and a very comfy bed), I learned to be Present to Presence. Our outstanding teachers and guides, Chelsea, Ben, and Milton (by order of type), provided deep learning in a safe setting. Also, it was just great fun."

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